For over a decade, generous donations from 24 Hour Fitness team members, partners and vendors have funded nearly $1 million in grants to employees who experience serious and unexpected financial hardship caused by natural disasters, house fires, illnesses and more.
Starting in 2024, the Helping Hands Foundation is proud to announce the addition of a scholarship grant program to help support Team Members in need as they work to achieve their educational goals.
The foundations’ goal is to distribute multiple $1,000 scholarships for Team Members for the 2024-2025 school year. The number of scholarships will vary based on ongoing funding raising efforts, including the Annual Golf Tournament, employee contributions and donations by 24 Hour Fitness and could increase the number of scholarships and/or the amount of the awards.
Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and the final deadline to submit your application is November 10th, 2024.
Winners will be notified on or around December 10th, 2024.